Edmund Rice Secondary School

Guidance Counselling
The guidance team in the ERSS, led by the guidance counsellor Ms O’Keeffe, offers a support service to students to help them with their personal, social, educational, and career development. This is a key part of the student support system and aims to assist students in making informed decisions about their future, managing challenges they may face, and developing their full potential. Appointments can be made by emailing Ms O’Keeffe aileen.okeeffe@erss.ie or by messaging Ms O’Keeffe on teams.
Guidance counselling in the school is categorised as career guidance, personal guidance and educational guidance as follows:
Career Guidance: Helping students explore different career options, understand the requirements for various career paths, and make informed choices about further education and training. This includes advice on subject choices, post-secondary education options (like college or apprenticeships), and applying for courses, provided through weekly classes in TY, Fifth year and sixth year as well as one to one guidance sessions with each sixth year student in preparation for CAO/PLC/Apprenticeship applications. During these sessions, aptitude test results are interpreted and explored and an action plan is put in place. Appointments can also be made on demand based on individual needs as they arise.
Personal Guidance: This service provides support for students who may be dealing with personal or social issues. This includes supporting students through challenges like stress, anxiety, family problems, peer relationships, and more. Referrals to outside counselling services and support agencies are made as appropriate. Referrals for personal counselling may come from the student support team, year heads, parents or the student themselves. Ms O’Keeffe uses an integrative approach, combining person centred and CBT techniques.
Educational Guidance: Ms O’Keeffe assists students with making educational decisions such as subject choice and levels. First years receive guidance and support from the guidance counsellor and well being/SPHE teachers in advance of making their subject choice and TY students receive one to one sessions in preparation for their Senior Cycle Subject Choice. Subject teachers offer guidance to students also when making their choice (See the links to the Subject choice booklets and Parents Information evening presentations on CAO and Subject Options for Senior Cycle and Junior Cycle). Appointments with the guidance counsellor can be made on demand, based on individual needs as they arise.
The school provides a booklet to help with subject choice, which is available to download below:
Student Support Team
Our Student Support Team help to ensure the Edmund Rice Secondary School supports the contribution that each member of the school community makes in helping us to realise our school mission.
Our Student Support Team meets on a fortnightly basis to ensure that all of our students needs are being recognised and that relevant supports are put in place to meet these needs.
Members of the support team are continuously liaising and working with subject teachers, class teachers and management. Such teamwork coupled with the relatively small size and familiarity of our community helps us to ensure that care is tailored to meet the individual’s needs.
Lead Members of the Student Support Team are:
Ms Majella Gleeson (Principal) principal@erss.ie
Ms. Linda Barry (Vice Principal) linda.barry@erss.ie
Ms. Aileen O’Keeffe (Guidance Counsellor) aileen.okeeffe@erss.ie
​​Year Heads
Duties: Promote the ethos of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust
Pastoral Care:
Dealing with pastoral issues:
Referring students to Counsellor/Student Support Team.
Checking in on students and liaising with home
Attend Student Support Team Meetings to discuss and plan for the pastoral care of students in the year group; meeting with Peer Mentors;
Liaising with external agencies and providing feedback (CAMHS, Social Services etc.).
Organising assemblies to promote positive discipline (data gathering from class teachers /teachers and students and key messages for delivery)
Class Teachers
Care and attention is paid to the general well-being of the students through the appointment of class teachers. Class teachers are the first point of contact and help pupils throughout the school each day whenever difficulties arise. Class teacher checks student journals, uniform and punctuality.
Student Prefect Team
Each incoming First Year is befriended by a 6th Year student, a member of the Student Prefect Team. The Prefect Team help ease the transition from Primary to Secondary School. A series of events including a quiz, an outing, hurling blitz soccer tournaments and a Christmas party for example are organised in the school for First Years. Regular events and meetings take place throughout the year.
Paired reading activities are also organised throughout the year where TY students tutor the First-Year students as a strategy to improve literacy development amongst both groups.
Students have a valuable contribution to make to the effectiveness of the Edmund Rice Secondary School and their involvement in the operation of the school is itself a valuable part of the educational process for them.
Our Student Prefect Team gives students an opportunity to acquire the sort of communication, planning and organisational skills which will be of benefit to them in their future lives.
It enables students to take responsibility for projects, and to demonstrate that they can manage and bring such projects to successful conclusion.
The general objectives of our Student Prefect Team in the ERSS include.
To enhance communication between students, management, staff and parents.
To promote an environment conducive to educational and personal development.
To promote friendship and respect among pupils
To support the management and the staff in the development of the school.
To represent the views of the students on matters of general concern to them.
To organise and partake in a number of fund-raising initiatives in the ERSS.
Student Prefect Team meet on a fortnightly- monthly basis.
Learning Support
Edmund Rice Secondary School fosters equality and inclusion and strives to ensure that the educational needs of all students are catered for in a caring way.
ERSS is equipped with a growing Learning Support Department that provides students who are experiencing learning difficulties with the vital support needed to achieve their potential.
Members of our Learning Support Department liaise closely with the surrounding primary schools to establish the needs of individual incoming students.
Students with Student with Special Educational Needs may receive extra help in a number of different ways depending on the needs of the individual child.
One to one tuition, small group tuition and team teaching are all utilised within the ERSS.
Students, parents and teachers work hand in hand to devise plans suitable to the student’s needs.
Student Subject Support:
Our teachers are available to support their students in school and from home. Teachers use Microsoft Office Teams in class and students can find their class material here as well as contact teachers with any queries they might have. Teachers can also be contacted directly via email. If you wish to contact a teacher please contact info@erss.ie.