Another busy day in the Science department marking science week with our students.
The main event involved our 1st year classes. TY students spoke to the group about their SciFest projects and encouraged 1st years to get involved in experimenting and entering science competitions to represent the school nationally.

1st years also took part in a table Quiz, designed by our TY student Callum Watson and presented with the help of Odhran Barry. The boys enjoyed the event and their prizes.
First years in Ms Lenane's class also played games based on science vocabulary, while Ag. Science classes played pictionary based on terms from the course.
5th year Physics continued their T-Shirt Making detailing famous scientists from the past. We look forward to wearing these later in the week for events that the 5th years are involving in helping.
5th year Agricultural science continued their Project on Model Building. Students have been studying the topic of Sheep - and this week they approached the topic in a unique way for Science Week- they identified a breed of sheep and were set the challenge of building a clay model of the sheep for a classroom display.
6th Year Physics completed their Science Week masks. These masks are an artistic interpretation of science week. These masks will be used in events in the school later in the week, when we welcome 6th class students to our school to celebrate Science Week 2022.
Answers for Riddle of the Day for today, can be placed in the collection box at reception:
